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哲学家和科学家阿尔弗雷德科尔兹布斯基名言说,地图不是领土,声称他的观点,即我们使用的工具来表示现实中永远不能够完全平等的。 Reality- the “territory”- is infinitelyinaccessible because our perceptions always intervene to create“mappings” based on our distinct and skewed understandings of theworld around us.现实的“领地” -是无限的访问,因为我们的知觉总是干预,以创建基于我们独特的倾斜和我们周围世界的理解“映射”。 Matthew Picton's paper sculptures based oncartographic city plans quite literally take on Korzybski's ideasconcerning representation andreality.基于制图城市规划马修皮克顿的纸雕作品毫不夸张地采取科尔兹布斯基的有关陈述和现实的想法。Usingcity maps from specific periods in history as a starting point,Matthew examines correlating literary narratives to amplify ourknowledge of time andplace.利用城市地图从特定的历史时期为起点,马修检查关联的文学叙事,以扩大我们的时间和地点的知识。Hefocuses on cities during periods marked by great transition,upheaval, or catastrophe, as these events often create significantshifts in a city'shistory.他在标志着巨大的转变,动乱或灾难期间的重点城市,这些事件往往建立在一个城市的历史显著变化。Theseseries of 'city sculptures' are heavily researched andpainstakingly planned out— in preparation for each work Matthewreads seminal texts and often considers relevant musical scores aswell.这些一系列的“城市雕塑”被大量的研究和精心策划出来的,在筹备各项工作马太福音读开创性的文本,往往认为有关的乐谱也是如此。Once hebegins, much of his time is taken up with the grueling process ofmeticulously drawing out, cutting, and numbering each section ofhis three-dimensional cityscapes so that they accurately portraythe cartography of eachmetropolis.一旦他开始,他的大部分时间用在了精心绘制出来,切割和编号,他的三维城市景观的每个部分,使他们准确地描绘各都道府县的制图的艰苦过程。

这样的作品您接触过吗?纸雕塑 第2张

所以我感到十分有趣的关于马修的雕塑地图是,虽然精密度和准确度都集中到他的过程中,工作承认,数据永远不能完全描绘的地方。Thoughdiagrammatic representations may show shifts in terrain, bodies ofwater, the tiniest of streets, and municipal boundaries, thepractice of mapmaking inevitably fails to express our experience ofplace.虽然图解表示可能会显示出地形,水域,街道的最微小的,和城市边界的变化,地图制作的做法必然不能表达我们的地方经验。Bybringing subjective narratives such as excerpts of fiction ormusical compositions to his maps, Matthew attempts to flush out oursense of particularcities.通过将主观的叙述,如小说或音乐作品,以他的地图,摘编,马修尝试刷新我们的特定城市的感觉。Cartography assumes spatial information can bemodeled, that reality can be fixed and illustrated, and Matthewcomplicates this premise and attempts to reveal just howmultifaceted and ever-changing realityis.地图制图学假定的空间信息可以建模,这一现实可以固定和说明,和马修复杂这个前提并试图揭示是多么多方面的,不断变化的现实。

这样的作品您接触过吗?纸雕塑 第3张

诗人和哲学家保罗·瓦莱里说, 一切都简单的是假的。 Everything which is complex is unusable.I think Matthew's work is self-reflexive enough to know it'sframework is flawed from the get go, that mapmaking simplifiestruths too easily, but undaunted it delves deeply into thecartographic practice to touch upon the unknowable nature ofreality.一切是复杂的是不可用的,我觉得马修的工作是自我反省,知道它的框架是从一开始走有缺陷,即制图简化了的真理太容易了,但毫不气馁再往深入到制图实践触及的不可知的性质现实。It's atough balancing act Matthew is managing— working within enoughrepresentation to be accessible, but broadening its perimeters toaccommodate for all that is too complex to chartout.这是一个艰难的平衡马修就够表示内管理工作的可访问,但扩大其周边,以适应所有的太复杂,绘制出。

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这样的作品您接触过吗?纸雕塑 第6张

我会形容为虚构的城市,从作家的角度看,并在特定的时间段设置我的工作的主题。 Right now I'm making a piece about Istanbul— it'sa good subject as it's a city that has existed in history indifferent permutations and has a very rich and important history inover a number of different time periods quite a fewcenturies.现在,我正在做一件关于伊斯坦布尔 -这是一个很好的主题,因为它是一个城市,已经存在于历史中不同的排列,具有非常丰富和重要的历史超过了许多不同的时间段相当多世纪。Thepiece I'm working on is looking at Istanbul mostly in the 20thcentury and I've chosen novels to work with that consider Istanbulin this timeperiod.我工作的这件作品是在寻找伊斯坦布尔大多是在20世纪和我选择的小说一起工作的考虑伊斯坦布尔在这个时间段。Ingeneral I like to work with cities that have gone throughsignificant change or disaster, and many cities fit the billbecause most cities have gone through massive transformations atone point or another in theirhistory.总的来说,我喜欢与通过显著变化或灾难已去城市打工,和许多城市适应该法案,因为大多数城市都通过大规模的变革了在一个点或另一个在他们的历史。
这样的作品您接触过吗?纸雕塑 第7张
这样的作品您接触过吗?纸雕塑 第8张

我平时工作用的纸张。 I cutout all the pieces of the map of whatever city I'm working on andthen I make correlating pieces cut out of foamcore to provide thebase of each mounted part of thesculpture.我切出什么城市我正在地图中的所有片段,然后我做件相关联切出foamcore,以提供每个基座安装​​雕塑的一部分。Iutilize a numbering system because there are so many piecesinvolved, sometimes around700-800.我使用的编号系统,因为有这么多的作品参与,有时700-800左右。As I'mplanning out the sculpture/map I also delineate bodies of waterbecause I often will put excerpts from the novels I use in myresearch along thoseedges.由于我打算出雕塑/图我也划定水体,因为我经常会把从我在沿着这些边缘研究使用小说节选。Mysystem of placing all the actual bits that go along with thecreation of a piece is quite complex andpainstaking.我把所有的一起去创造一片的实际位系统是相当复杂和艰苦的。 A lot of planning is involved— definitely slowgoing.很多规划的参与,肯定会慢。

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这样的作品您接触过吗?纸雕塑 第11张

我一直有兴趣在城市,历史和小说。 Accuracyis important to me in my work, and I like the idea of having arecord of something that occurred in thepast.准确度是很重要的我在我的工作,我喜欢有那发生在过去的事情记录的想法。 I studied history and politics at university andI find pivotal moments in a city's history incredibleinteresting.我研究历史和政治上大学,我觉得关键时刻在一个城市的历史令人难以置信的有趣。A cityis like a living organism and there will always be a time when itgoes through some kind of watershedmoment;一个城市就像一个活的有机体,并总是会有时,它会通过某种分水岭的时候;mostcities have had impactful significant events have occurred and I'mvery curious about theseperiods.大多数城市都实行了有影响力的显著事件时有发生,我很好奇这些时期。
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这样的作品您接触过吗?纸雕塑 第13张

我选择的文本中具体涉及的时间在一个城市的历史是我正与片嵌入的部分,但我也找了表达的地方的气氛或字符的方式,是令人信服和富有诗意的描述令人回味。I'm notlooking for dry factual accounts of a place, instead I aim to workwith literature that creates a more visceral, lasting impression ofa particular place andtime.我不是在寻找一个地方干事实账户,而不是我的目标是与文学,创造一个更加深入,持久的印象,一个特定的地点和时间的工作。I alsoprefer to work with texts written by writers from that particularplace so there is authenticity in thevoice.我也喜欢与由来自特定的地方,所以有真实性的声音的作家文本的工作。 The passages are often embedded into thesculpture in a fragmented way, so some sections might be morelegible thanothers.通道经常被嵌入在一个支离破碎的方式雕刻,所以有些路段可能会比其他人更易读。For theIstanbul piece there won't be that many legible portions becausethe city is broken up into so many smallbits.对于伊斯坦布尔片不会有很多清晰的部分,因为这个城市被分成很多小位。 Text in Turkish as well as in English will beincluded.在土耳其,以及在英文文本将被包括在内。 I have also done a number of works that includesheet music as well— For example my St. Petersburg pieceincorporates several different sources of literature along withsheet music.我也做了一些工作,包括乐谱,以及 -例如我的圣彼得堡片结合文学几个不同的来源以及乐谱。 This has been a very involvedwork.这是一个非常棘手的工作。
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这样的作品您接触过吗?纸雕塑 第15张

我目前正在读艾哈迈德Tampinar的一个宁静的心,它着眼于20世纪20年代的土耳其,通过50年代和奥尔罕·帕慕克的伊斯坦布尔:记忆和城市,以及穆罕默德Kalpakli的奥斯曼帝国的抒情诗 。I justrecently visited Istanbul and so I'm fully engaged in researchingand reading about it in order to make a sculpture ofit.我最近访问了伊斯坦布尔,所以我完全从事研究和阅读它,以使之成为一个雕塑。
这样的作品您接触过吗?纸雕塑 第16张

Iusually try to be able to make work in any space, most of the timeI just work at a table at home, any will do, later I need space formounting so I have space in my basement forthat.我平时尽量能够使工作在任何空间,大部分时间我只是在工作,在家里的桌上,任何会做,以后我需要空间来安装,所以我必须在我的地下室空间的。
这样的作品您接触过吗?纸雕塑 第17张

I always feel a connection to Brian Dettmer 's work.我总觉得一个连接布莱恩DETTMER的工作。 Brian makes work from books, he cuts into them toreveal layers of buried text and image, I like the process ofdiscovery here, a process almost akin to archeology in away.布赖恩使工作从书本,他切入他们透露埋文本和图像的层次,我喜欢探索的过程在这里,一个进程几乎类似于考古学的方式。I thinkhe described his work as being a bit like taxidermy in it'sdissecting of the corpse of thebook.我觉得他形容他的工作作为一个有点像动物标本在书的尸体吧的解剖。 Although his work is not what I am actually doingthere is a clear relationship, especially to the burntcities.虽然他的工作是不是我实际上做是有明显的关系,尤其是到了烧焦的城市。

Are you involved in any upcoming shows orevents? 你在任何即将到来的表演或活动参与?Where and when?何时何地?
I currently have a solo show up in San Francisco atToomey Tourell that runs until July 14,2013.我现在有一个单独的显示在旧金山Toomey的Tourell运行,直到2013年7月14日。
A comprehensive (ebook) catalogue of my papersculptures from 2009 – 2013 with essays on the content of many ofthe sculptures and a detailed description of each work is availablehere .从2009年我的纸雕作品的综合(电子书)目录-2013年对许多雕塑的内容,文章和各项工作的详细说明,请在这里 。
My work can also be seen at the Herbert Art Gallery& Museum in Coventry, UK until July, 2013 and at the StadtMuseum in Dresden, Germany until September,2013.我的工作也可以看到在赫伯特美术馆和博物馆在考文垂,英国直到2013年7月,并在城市州博物馆在德国德累斯顿,直到2013年9月。
I have another solo show with Lacoope Gallery inMonterrey, Mexico in November 2013 and I'll also be showing workwith The New Wall gallery also of Monterrey, Mexico at the MiamiArt Project thisDecember.我有另一个个展与Lacoope画廊在墨西哥蒙特雷2013年11月,我会也呈现出与工作的新型墙体画廊蒙特雷,墨西哥也是在迈阿密艺术计划今年十二月。
And then I have another solo show in London, UK inJune 2014 with SummariaLunn.然后,我有另一个个展在英国伦敦2014年6月与Summaria伦恩。


